If you have paid for building or energy redevelopment interventions, you are the holder of a tax credit that you owe to the Revenue Agency.
Tax credits are credits that taxpayers accrue against expenses incurred for specific operations. We help you find the fastest way to transfer them quickly and safely.
02 49747500
Operational headquarters:
Corso Sempione, 4 - 20154 Milan
Via di Novella, 22 - 00199 Rome
Tutti le segnalazioni relative alla procedura whistleblowing, dovranno essere indirizzate alla mail del garante del trattamento, oppure via raccomandata.
Mail avvocato Salmi: salmi@studiolegalesalmi.it
Raccomandata: Studio Legale Salmi, Via Fontana n. 18/A, cap. 20122, Milano (MI)
Headquarters: Corso Sempione, 4 - 20154 Milan
P. Iva e CF: 08972800968
Share capital: 1,148,940.00